Series 25

The Series 25 software is a tool that can implement and document current or best practices for scheduling and space management and as such will help to optimize the connections between space and people Your single most valuable resource, people, manage your second most valuable resource, space. Optimizing this interaction helps those who schedule space (schedulers, space planners) and those who use it (students, faculty, and administrators).

CollegeNET's Series25 software system enables you to:

  1. Web-enable space searches and requests to limit phone work for schedulers and provide convenience for constituents
  2. Accurately and automatically provide event details to all appropriate service providers
  3. Allow timely communication of last-minute event changes and related services
  4. Help eliminate under-utilized, double-booked or ill-suited space assignments
  5. Free up much-needed space through formal, systematic allocation
  6. Provide space planners with a realistic picture of how space is used now and what might be needed in the future Implementation of CollegeNET's Series 25 at Appalachian will initially reflect our current business practices.

The data in Series 25 is comprised of four components:

  1. Space (building and room inventory)
  2. Event (academic courses & non-academic events such as meetings, workshops, and clubs)
  3. Organization (Academic, Administrative, and other miscellaneous units)
  4. Resource



For Academic Course Scheduling Questions contact the Registrar's Office, for Event Scheduling/Reserve Questions contact University Events Scheduling and Communications (