What are operational outcomes?

Operational outcomes are specific, measurable statements about improvements a unit would like to make to its programs or services.

Each outcome should flow directly from a more general goal of the unit. For example, if an academic department has a goal of increasing diversity, then the department might have separate outcomes addressing the recruitment of more diverse students and recruitment of more diverse faculty.

Important Points about Operational Outcomes

First, do not confuse outcomes with action plans. For example, setting up a table at Open House is not an appropriate outcome even though it may be part of an academic department's action plan to meet an outcome about increasing enrollment. One common problem with assessment reporting is that a unit might list tasks accomplished like a check list rather than focus on goals for continual improvement.

Second, it's ok to set lofty goals and outcomes. Always remember that assessment is about improvement. If the unit is constantly setting outcomes that are immediately attainable, then the unit probably has not set expectations high enough. Units are encouraged to set goals that may be a stretch and will take some time to achieve. What is important is that the unit can show that they are making progress on achieving that which is most important to the unit.

Outcomes should be SMART.




