
What is APortfolio?

An electronic portfolio, or ePortfolio, is a personal academic website that provides a holistic view of a student's learning and best work. The name for an electronic portfolio at Appalachian is APortfolio. Appalachian uses the Digication  platform.

What does this mean for assessment?

Because ePortfolios provide a platform for students and programs to showcase their best work to internal and external audiences, the APortfolio project has the potential to make a big impact on assessment efforts at Appalachian. APortfolios give students a place to collect and reflect on learning in the classroom, the campus, and the community. Students can give access to the artifacts collected in their APortfolios, which can then be used for various assessment purposes. Faculty can use the collection of artifacts from students to determine if course-level, program-level, or general education outcomes are being met. The same artifact may be used for multiple purposes. For example, an assignment a student posted to her APortfolio for a Global Studies course might be used to provide evidence to support a goal of the Global Studies course where the assignment was generated, the Global Studies program, the local to global goal of the General Education Program and an outcome of the Global Learning QEP.

More Information

For additional information about APortfolio, visit the website: http://aportfolio.appstate.edu