The Strategic Plan 2008-2012 was extended through 2013 by action of the Board of Trustees in September 2012. Progress toward completion of 2008 Strategic Plan is shown here:
- Strategic Plan Tracking All Metrics v3 Final 28Sep12 (PDF, 123 KB)
Appalachian State University's Strategic Plan 2008-2012, titled "Reach Greater Heights," was formally adopted by the Board of Trustees in 2008 and comprised six priorities designed to propel the institution to produce the highest level of scholarship while continuing to attract, educate and graduate exceptional students. These priorities related to curricula, research, quality of faculty and staff, outreach, the university's mountain setting, and management of institutional resources.
Key outcomes of "Reach Greater Heights" included:
- A revised general education curriculum, adopted for incoming freshmen in Fall 2009, to help students analyze the world around them from different perspectives, communicate their ideas and understand the ideas of others, know how to solve problems, and apply that knowledge to real-world projects. These are skills employers say they value as much as or more than skills specific to their field.
- Establishment of the College of Health Sciences in 2010 to actively address the health and wellness needs of North Carolina and the nation by training high-quality health professionals. This was achieved by reorganizing and bolstering existing health-related academic departments and programs and adding a four-year degree in nursing.
- Construction of a new College of Education building in 2011 to serve the growing number of new teachers needed by the state and region.
- Establishment of the Research Institute for Environment, Energy and Economics in 2008 to enhance faculty and student research, environmental academic programs, outreach and science education; and creation of an Office of Sustainability to develop and implement university policies, practices and programs.
- Funding for eight additional distinguished professorships to enhance teaching and scholarship.
- Increased diversity on campus through the recruitment of more international students and faculty, and a greater percentage of students from underrepresented populations.
- The addition of a Bachelor of Science degree in fermentation sciences degree program, which began accepting students in Fall 2012. The program prepares students for careers in the fermented foods and beverages industry, bio-processing fields such as fuels, and the pharmaceutical industry.
August 2006
Chancellor announces the development of a new strategic plan and appoints a Planning Advisory Council:
- Stan Aeschleman, Chair, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
- Cindy Wallace, Vice Chancellor for Student Development
- Greg Lovins, Interim Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
- Bob Lyman, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- Tony Calamai, Chair, Council of Chairs
- Martha Marking, Chair, Faculty Senate
- Charlie Wallin, President, Staff Council
- Forrest Gilliam, President, Student Government Association
- Bobby Sharp (ex officio), Director, Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning
The Planning Advisory Council is charged to oversee the planning process, organize the macro and micro strategic planning activities, study the important issues facing the university, assign tasks to short-term work groups and to campus staff, set timelines, collect information, and generate planning materials and products.
October 2006
First Open Forum conducted by Provost Aeschleman to provide a:
- Profile of the University;
- Summary of the External Context for the Planning Process; and
- Description of the Planning Process.
Strategic Planning Open Forum Presentation (PPT, 1.21 MB) (PDF, 268 KB) (Adobe Acrobat file distorts some slides)
Planning Advisory Council holds a day-long retreat to begin to identify core values, core assets, and essential character of Appalachian, and to propose Strategic Directions for consideration by the Strategic Planning Commission.
November 2006
Open invitation extended to campus community seeking volunteers and nominations to serve on the Strategic Planning Commission.
Planning Advisory Council holds a half-day retreat to propose membership of the Strategic Planning Commission, which Chancellor Peacock approved.
December 2006
Chancellor Peacock sends letters of invitation to proposed commission members assigning membership to subcommittees and announcing a half-day Strategic Planning Commission retreat on January 5, 2007.
January 2007
Strategic Planning Commission holds a half-day retreat to discuss the Planning Advisory Council's proposed Strategic Directions, and subcommittees begin to develop strategic objectives for discussion and possible inclusion in the Strategic Plan.
Strategic Planning Commission Forum Presentation (PPT, 617 KB) (PDF, 85 KB)
April 26, 2007
Deadline for submission of final reports from subcommittees; these reports form the basis for the development of the 2008 Strategic Plan:
- Preface (PDF, 16KB)
- Economic Needs/Transportation (PDF, 67KB)
- Faculty Evaluation and Development (PDF, 30KB)
- Graduate Program (PDF, 32KB)
- Resources (PDF, 53KB)
- Student Achievement (PDF, 87KB)
- Targeted Research (PDF, 59KB)
- Undergraduate Programs (PDF, 143KB)
- Subcommittee Crosswalk Form (PDF, 16KB)
Summer to Fall 2007
Planning Advisory Council reviews the reports and develops the draft of Appalachian's Strategic Plan.
Fall 2007
Strategic Planning Commission meets to discuss the draft Strategic Plan. Draft is made available on the Strategic Planning website and distributed to groups within and outside of Appalachian for feedback.
Spring 2008
Public forum is held to discuss the draft of Appalachian's Strategic Plan.
Strategic Planning Open Forum Presentation (PPT, 2.02 MB) (PDF, 168 KB)
Revised draft of the Strategic Plan is prepared to incorporate feedback. Planning Advisory Council affirms final draft of Appalachian's Strategic Plan. Final draft of Appalachian's Strategic Plan is presented to the Chancellor for comment and approval. Final draft is presented to the Board of Trustees for comment and approval. Final changes to the plan are made to reflect input from the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees.
Fall 2008
Unit plans are developed within the context of the Strategic Plan.
September 11, 2008
Board of Trustees approves Strategic Plan 2008-2012: Reach Greater Heights (PDF, 2.10 MB).
Reach Greater Heights
Strategic Plan 2008-2012: Reach Greater Heights (PDF, 2.10 MB)
These links connect to documents, organizations, and information clearinghouses that provide a context within which Appalachian engages in strategic and tactical planning. Although not exhaustive, these references (a) provide a common language for the campus community to use in conversations about the university's present and future and (b) serve as key sources of information to guide the university's planning efforts at both macro and micro levels.
- NCAA Cycle 3 Certification Self-Study (add link)
UNC References
- President Bowles' Inaugural Address, April 2006 (PDF, 37 KB)
- UNC Long-Range Planning website
- PACE website (UNC President's Advisory Committee on Efficiency and Effectiveness)
- Pappas Consulting Group Report, July 2006 (PDF, 3.42 MB) (ref. Staying a Step Ahead: Higher Education Transforming North Carolina's Economy)
- Pappas Presentation to Board of Governors, Aug. 2006 (PDF, 459 KB)
- UNC Standards of Shared Governance (PDF, 30 KB)
- Peer Institutions (includes list of peers plus their strategic plans and Competitive Peers) (add link)
- Presentations (add link)
- Draft 2008 Strategic Plan (PDF, 39 KB)
- Draft 2008 Strategic Plan (DOC, 87 KB)
- Planning Manual, 1999-2000 (PDF, 102 KB)
- Strategic Planning Commission's historical records (PDF, 2.35 MB)
General Resources
- Higher Education Resource Hub
- Inside Higher Ed
- NC State University Planning & Analysis
- Good to Great by Jim Collins
National Discussions
- A National Dialogue: The Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education
- Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future
- Answers in the Toolbox
- The Toolbox Revisited
- Lumina Foundation
- John Merrowl
- The 1998 Boyer Report on Undergraduate Education
- The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education (site of "Measuring Up" report cards)
Professional Organizations
- Association of American Colleges and Universities
- American Association of State Colleges and Universities
- National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
- The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- American Association of University Professors
- American Council on Education
- State Higher Education Executive Officers
- Society for College and University Planning
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
- Institute for Higher Education Policy
- National Education Association
UNC Tomorrow Responses
Directives for responding to the UNC Tomorrow Commission's Final Report, released in December, 2007, were received by the Chancellor on Tuesday, January 22, 2008. Campus responses to those directives will require an extensive review of current operations, programs, and policies, and the response must be integrated with Appalachian's Strategic Plan. Much of the campus' response involves stating plans to implement the UNC Tomorrow Findings during June 2008-January 2012. Successive due dates for Appalachian's responses can be seen in the timeline below, beginning February 15 and extending until December, 2008. Documents prepared to comply with the UNC Tomorrow Response Phase Planning Process will be posted as they become available.
- UNC Tomorrow website
- UNC Tomorrow Commission Final Report (PDF, 21.87 MB)
- UNC Tomorrow Commission Final Report Executive Summary (PDF, 3.58 MB)
- UNC Tomorrow Response Phase Planning Process (PDF, 981 KB)
- UNC Tomorrow Response Phase Timeline Table (PDF, 20 KB)
- UNC Tomorrow Steering Committee--ASU (PDF, 24 KB)
- UNC Tomorrow Response Phase I Report--ASU (DOC, 1.95 MB)
- UNC Tomorrow Response Phase I Report--ASU (PDF, 1.18 MB)
- Productivity Study of Academic Degree Programs and Review of New Degree Programs, Phase II, Fall 2008
- Summary Local Guidelines for Program Reviews (PDF, 21 KB)
- Memorandum and Instructions to CAOs September 8th, 2008 (PDF, 147 KB)
- Response Phase Planning Process - Phase II, Revised Oct. 13, 2008 (PDF, 593 KB)
- General Overview Enclosure 1 (PDF, 175KB)
- Low Productivity Review Guidelines Enclosure 1A (DOC, 33 KB)
- Program Review - Recommendation Form Enclosure 1B (DOC, 36 KB)
- Low Productivity Programs for Review Enclosure 1C (PDF, 67 KB)
- Recently Established Programs Enclosure 2 and 2A (PDF, 23 KB)
- Recently Established Programs Forms 2B and 2C (DOC, 48 KB)
- Discontinuation of Programs Enclosure 3 (PDF, 30 KB)
- Discontinuation Form Enclosure 3A (DOC, 36 KB)
- Degree Program Proposals Pending (DOC, 27 KB)