Assessment Grant Exemplars
The following examples showcase a variety of products, processes, or expenditures used in support of assessment and improvement of student learning in academic departments or programs.
2023-24 Exemplars
- Assignment Re-Design to Align with Program SLOs, Applied Design Department
- Curriculum Mapping, Graphic Communications Management, Undergraduate Program
- Other: Student Learning Outcome Revisions and Curriculum Map, Curriculum Specialist, Graduate Program
- Other: Student Learning Outcome Revisions and Curriculum Map with Rubrics, Expressive Arts Therapy, Graduate Certificate Program
2022-23 Exemplars
- Assignment Re-Design to Align with Program SLOs, Rehabilitation Sciences
- Curriculum Mapping, RCoE Professional CORE
- Curriculum Redesign (PCR Response), Exercise Science Graduate Program
- Other: Redesign of Preceptor Guidelines-Handbook, Nursing MSN
- Other: Student Learning Outcome Revisions and Assessment Plan, Environmental Science
- Other: Template Creation Aligned with SLO & Assessment, Religion